Availability Machine home page

Selecting any of the database service name from the Name filed on the AM dashboard takes you to the home page of that availability machine. Every AM has a separate home page with its statistics.

Activities and updates

On the Availability Machine home page, the status of the AM is diplayed next to its name.

On the top right-side, you see the following options:

DB Service

Click on this, to go to the Database Service home page of the database service. For more information, see Database Service home page.


Click on this, to go to the Dataflix home page of the database service. For more information, see Dataflix home page.

Update SLA

Click on this, if you want to update the service level agreements. Update SLA & Schedule window opens to update the SLA and apply the changes:

  • SLA - Select the option from the available drop-down list. There are several predefined SLAs provided by Tessell. Those, along with your admin-created SLAs are available to you. It retains the snapshots or backups as per the options selected here.

  • Snapshot Time - Select the time you wish to take the snapshot of your database service.

  • SLA Details - It provides the SLA details as per the option selected in SLA field above. It provides

    • Description - the detailed description of the selected SLA.

    • SLA Type - the type of SLA. The possible values are RPO (Recovery point objective) or Backup.

    • PITR Enabled - yes, if PITR is enabled and no, if not enabled.

  • Run SLA Policy - It provides the selected SLA Policy. The possible options are one or more from Continous Recovery (PITR), Daily Snapshots, Weekly Snapshots, Monthly Snapshots, and Yearly Snapshots, as per the option selected in SLA field above.

  • Every - This field is displayed only for Daily Snaphots in Run SLA Policy. It provides the frequency of snapshot along with scheduled time of the snapshot.

  • Keep for - It provides number of days for which a snapshot or a backup needs to be retailed as per the selected SLA in the above field.

Select Update button at the bottom to apply the changes.


The top bar gives a summary of the Availability Machine. Click on the drop-down button on the right corner to view the complete details of the AM:

SLA and DB details

  • RPO SLA - It provides the selected SLA for the database service.

  • Continous Recovery - It provides number of days upto which data can be recovered.

  • Source DB Status - It provides the status of the database service for this Availability Machine. The possible values are READY, STOPPED, and DELETED.

Cloud details

  • Cloud — It provides the name of the cloud hosting your database service.

  • Region — It provides the name of the cloud region hosting your database service.

User details

  • Owner — It provides the name of the owner of your Tessell account.

  • My role — It provides your role for the database service. The possible values are Owner, Co-owner, or Read-only.

  • TRN — It provides the Tessell resource name. The TRN is a globally unique name.

Last updated

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