Vector Databases

The Vector Database available with Tessell is Milvus. The Vector Databases tab provides the list of all the database services owned by you by default. You can filter the list as per the owner and subscriptions.

Vector databases

The fields in the above image are:

  • Search — In the search bar, you can provide the name of the database service to search and list its details.

  • Total Services N — It provides the total number of the listed database services where N is the number of the database services listed. Next to Total Services, it displays:

    • a green triangle symbol along with the number of running services.

    • an orange square symbol along with the number of stopped services.

    • a grey play button symbol with the number of starting services.

    • a red cylinder with an exclamation symbol along with the number of failed services.

  • Owner — You can select the specific username from the drop-down list to view the details of the database services owned by the user. By default, it lists all the owners in the specific subscription. The possible values are All, and any username in the subscription list.

  • Subscription — You can select the specific subscription from the drop-down list available to you. By default, it lists all the subscriptions added to your account if you are the owner of the account. The possible values are All, and any number of subscriptions added to your account or accessible to you depending on your role.

The fields in the table provide an overview of the services you created:

  • Service name — This field lists the name of the database service given by you at the time of provisioning your database. It also displays the database engine icon you have chosen for your database service.

  • Status - This field provides the current status of your database service. The status of your database service can be:

    Actions allowed


    It displays READY status when the database service is created and it is up and running. The connections are allowed once it is in ready status.

    All the actions are allowed: - Delete the service. - Schedule the backup - Reset the password - Modify the public accessibility settings and the allowed IP addres list - Create, load, unload, or delete the collections

    READY (Substatus is BACKING_UP)

    It displays READY status but the backup is running.

    Edit the service


    It displays CREATING status when the database service is provisioning.

    - No actions allowed


    It displays DELETING status when the service delete trigger is executed.

    - No actions allowed


    It dsiplays FAILED status when the database service provisioning fails.

    - Remove the service

  • Cluster Shape - This field provides the cluster shape you choose for your database service at the time of provisioning. The different ccluster shapes are available with Tessell based on your cloud and workload type. For more information, see compute shapes.

  • Subscription - This field provides the subscription you choose at the time of provisioning your database. It also displays the chosen cloud region icon. You can define and add the subscription as per your requirement using the Subscriptions app under Governance.

  • Cloud and Region - This field provides the cloud and region name you choose to host your database service at the time of provisioning. For more information, see cloud and regions.

  • Created On - This field provides the date and time on which your database service is created.

  • Created By - This field provides the email ID used to log in to the Tessell portal and create the database service.

Managing Service

In the right corner, next to the Created By field hover over the ellipsis icon. It provides option to Delete the service.

Select Delete, to delete the database service. The Delete confirmation window pops up with the warning This action cannot be undone Please read carefully. It gives you the option Do you want to retain the Availability Machine?.

  • If you choose Yes, the Availability Machine is retained and only the database service is deleted.

  • If you choose No, the Availability Machine and the database service both are deleted. Also, all the existing snapshots of the database service across all the regions are deleted. Optionally, you can add comments to provide any details regarding the action. Also, there is a check box before I understand the consequences, delete this service, select the check box and then select Delete button at the bottom of the window to complete the action.

Last updated

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