
On the Monitoring tab the Instance bar and the Search bar at the top. Select the instance using the drop-down list from the Instance bar to view the metrics of the particular instance of your database service. The Search bar provides the ability to search a particular monitoring metrics chart. At the right side there is referesh button to refresh the metrics manually. To refresh the metrics at particular intervals there are options like 1h, 3h, 6h, 12h, 24h. By default, it refreshes the metrics at 1h interval. To refresh the metrics as per your requirement, there is Custom option. Using Custom option, you can choose date time as per your requirement and click on Apply button to apply the changes.

Next it shows the Availability graph. The green color represents that your database service is available at that particular time and grey color reprensents the unavailability. The graph represents the data at the interval of every five minutes.

Graphical Metrics

The graphs on this tab provides the latest metrics for your database services categorized logically as OS Metrics and DB Metrics. Each graph has the following capabilities:

  • You can zoom in the whole graph using the top right corner expand screen button. A new window pop-ups displaying the enlarged view of the whole graph. It provides the metrics at 5 minutes interval.

  • You can zoom in the particular section on the graph using the top right corner magnifying lens button. It will expand only the selected portion on the graph and give you more detailed representation of the metrics.

  • You can select and drag particluar portion of the graph using the raise hand button.

  • You can view the graph back in its original form by using the top right corner home button. It brings the graph back to its default view.

  • You can download the graph in three different formats using the top right corner menu button. It supports svg, png, and csv formats. The svg and png format captures the graph and saves as it is, while in the csv format it creates an excel file with the captured data values of the metrics in the fields.

OS Metrics

The OS Metrics provides the graphical representation of the latest collected operating system metrics:

  • CPU Usage — This graph provides the amount of CPU resources used for the database service in percentage at 10 minutes interval by default. It also provides Used (latest) N where N is the latest CPU percentage used in a numeric value at the left side top of the graph.

  • System load average — This graph provides the amount of system load average for the database service in count at 10 minutes interval by default. It provides the system load average for every one minute, five minutes, and fifteen minutes using three different colours in the same graph. It also provides 1 min (latest) N, 5 min (latest) N1, and 15 min (latest) N2 where N, N1, and N2 is the system load average counts in numeric value for one minute, five minutes, and fifteen minutes at the top of the graph respectively.

  • Memory Usage — This graph provides the details of used and available memory in GB for your database service at 10 minutes interval by default. It provides the used and available memory charts using two different colours in the same graph. It also provides Used (latest) N and Available (latest) N1 where N and N1 are the amount of used and available memory in GB at the top of the graph.

  • Swap Usage — This graph provides the details of used and free swap area in GB for your database service at 10 minutes interval by default. It provides the used and free swap area charts using two different colours in the same graph. It also provides Used (latest) N and Free (latest) N1 where N and N1 are the amount of swap area used and free available in GB at the top of the graph.

  • Network Usage — This graph provides the details of sent and received data across network in GB for your database service at 10 minutes interval by default. It provides the sent and received data charts using two different colours in the same graph. It also provides Sent (latest) N and Received (latest) N1 where N and N1 are the amount of sent and received data in GB at the top of the graph.

  • Top Processes by CPU - This lists the processes using the CPU in decreasing order of the CPU usage percentage. It provides the process name and the value of the CPU percentage used and it is independent of the time range.

  • Top Processes by Memory - This lists the processes using the memory in decreasing order of the memory usage percentage. It provides the process name and the value of the memory used in percentage and it is independent of the time range.

DB Metrics

The graphs under DB Metrics are:

  • MongoDB Memory - This graph provides the details of the memory in GB for your instance at 10 minutes interval by default. It provides the virtual and the resident memory using two different colours in the same graph. It also provides latest virtual and resident memory used in GB at the top of the graph.

  • Connections - This graph provides the details of the connections count for your database service at 10 minutes interval by default. It provides the number of available and active connections using two different colours in the same graph. It also provides the number of latest available and connections count at the top of the graph.

  • Operations - This graph provides the details of the operations like, commands, DMLS, queries and so on. It provides the command average, delete average, getmore average, insert average, query average and update avergage counts per second using different colours in the same graph. It also provides the latest counts per second in numbers for all of these operations at the top of the graph.

  • Storage - This graph provides the details of the used and total storage in KB for your instance. It provides the used and total storage using two different colours in the same graph. It also provides the latest used and total available storage in KB at the top of the graph.

  • MongoDB Network - This graph provides the details of the network packets in MB at 10 minutes of interval by default. It provides the outgoing and incoming network packets in MB for your instance using two different colours in the same graph. It also provides the latest outgoing and incoming network packets in MB at the top of the graph.

  • Filesystem: Root - This graph provides the details of the Root filesystem in GB at 10 minutes of interval by default. It provides the used and free space for root filesystem in GB for your instance using two different colours in the same graph. It also provides the latest used and free sapce in GB for root filesystem at the top of the graph.

  • Filesystem: Data - This graph provides the details of the data filesystem in GB at 10 minutes of interval by default. It provides the used and free space for data filesystem in GB for your instance using two different colous in the same graph. It also provides the latest used and free space in GB for data filesystem at the top of the graph.

  • Filesystem: DB Software - This graph provides the details of the DB Software filesystem in GB at 10 minutes of interval by default. It provides the used and free space for DB Software filesystem in GB for your instance using two different colous in the same graph. It also provides the latest used and free space in GB for DB Software filesystem at the top of the graph.

  • Cache Usage - This graph provides the details of the cache usage in MB at 10 minutes of interval by default. It provides the currently in cache and dirty in cache in MB for your instance using two different colours in the same graph. It also provides the latest currently in cache and dirty in cache in MB at the top of the graph.

Last updated

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