
Provisioning app helps to provision the database services with your choice of database engines hosted on the available cloud regions. You can provision the database service on the basis of your workload.

To provision a database service:

  1. Select +Provision button from the My Services dashboard to provision a database service.

  2. Select the database engine of your choice. Options are categorized into:

    • Relational Databases - Options are Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQL Server

    • Vector Databases - Milvus

    • NoSQL Databases - MongoDB

  3. Provide the following:

    • Service Name - Provide the name of the database service. By default, service names is auto generated, that can be overridden by providing a name.

    • Service Description - Optionally provide the description for your database service. It will remain blank if not specified.

    • Tags - Select the edit button next to tag. Provide Name and Value for the tag of your database service. You can provide more then one tag.

    • Select database engine - Options are Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, and MongoDB

    • Select database edition - Select the major version from the Software Release drop-down list and for a particular minor version select the edit button next to Version. For more information on software version and edition, see the database engine specific topics.

  4. Select the Subscription from the drop-down list. You can have an AWS or Azure subscription depending on the subscriptions added to your account. Select the corresponding cloud region from the Region drop-down list. To view the complete list, see cloud regions.

  5. Select the Workload Type, options are:

    • High Performance - For high performance workload, select number of vCPUs, relatively it selects the compute shape along with the storage options. Select the compute shape from the drop-down list with said number of vCPUs and different storage options. Choose to enable Enable encryption at rest and select the encryption key from the drop-down list to encrypt the storage.

    • Standard - For standard workload, options are:

      • Use existing server - Provide the existing server name in the search bar to select a particular existing server. Optionally, select the Free Memory to filter the list of existing server with free memory, and choose the server from the available list with free memory and available storage.

      • Create new server - Provide the Server Display Name, select the number of vCPUs, relatively it provides the compute shapes along with storage options. Select the compute shape from the drop-down list with said number of vCPUs and different storage options. Choose to enable Enable encryption at rest and select the encryption key from the drop-down list to encrypt the storage. Also, you can enable Allow multi-service usage for this server by selecting the check box.

  6. Define the connectivity of the database service. By default, the Tessell generated virtual network is assigned. You can create and add custom VPC using the Networks app. Provide the Port you want to use for the database service. Select the check-box to Enable SSL of this service. Enable the Allow Public Access button to provide the list of allowed IP addresses. The client connections are allowed only from these list of IP addresses.

  7. Provide the Database Name, Master Username, Master Password if you wish to override the default values. Under Advanced Configuration, you can select the Character Set, National Character Set, Options Profile, Parameter Profile, Pre Script, and Post Script.

  8. Enable the Create a Multi-AZ Service button, if you wish to create a standby instance for the database service. It is highly recommended to create atleast one standby instance if it is a production database.

  9. Configure the maintenance settings for the database service:

    • Maintenance Window - Options are No Preference and Select Window. With No Preference it creates the default maintenance window. With Select Window it gives options to select the Start day, Start Time, Duration of your choice.

    • Version Updates - Toggle the Enable auto minor version update button, if you wish to update the database services with latest available versions of the database engine automatically as they are available.

  10. Configure an Availability Machine for the database service. Once the database is created, you can define the data availability and access policies from the Availability Machine app.

    • SLA - Select the SLA as in how many days of data needs to be retained for the recovery. There are several predefined SLAs provided by Tessell. Those, along with your admin-created SLAs will be available for you to choose from. After selecting the value, you can click on show details below to check the details for the selected option.

    • Snapshot Time - Select the Snapshot Time at which you wish to take the snapshot of the data.

Click on Submit button to create the service. Before starting the process, it prompts you to configure the password if not configured before. You need to configure database password to enable access to the service. It asks you to set a new password or copy the default password set by Tessell. To use default password, view the password using eye button and select Create service with default password to create the service.

To use custom password, select Generate Password to generate a new password for your service. Select eye button to view the password. Select copy button to copy the password and save it safe place for your future reference. Select Create service button to create the service.

Once the request to create the service is submitted successfully, it takes couple of minutes to create your service. Once created it lists the database service in My Services app with the Ready status.

Last updated