Tessell compute shapes
Tessell offers a large number of compute shapes that you can choose depending on your workload type. A compute shape determines the number of VCPUs, the amount of memory and storage that gets allocated to your instance. With Tessell, you can choose from a variety of compute shapes for both AWS and Azure cloud for your high performance and standard workloads. All compute shapes support the x86 architecture.
High performance compute shapes
High Performance compute shapes for AWS and Azure come with the specified VCPUs, memory, storage, and Read/Write IOPS.
This table provides lists the compute shapes for your high performance databases hosted on the AWS cloud platform:
This table lists the compute shapes for your high performance databases hosted on the Azure cloud platform:
Standard performance compute shapes
Standard performance compute shapes come with the specified VCPUs along with standard storage that is expandable depending on the shape that you choose.
This table lists the compute shapes for your standard performance databases hosted on the AWS cloud platform:
This table lists the compute shapes for your standard performance databases hosted on the Azure cloud platform:
Last updated