Database Service home page

Selecting any of the database service from the Service name field takes you to the database service home page of that database service. Each database service has a separate home page with its statistics.

On the database service home page, the status of the database service is displayed next to the service name. Below the service name, you can view the name of the vector database engine name, cloud name and region along with the availability zone hosting our database service, the compute shape and the more information tooltip. As you select the more information tooltip, it provides the details of your database service.

Cloud details

  • Cloud — It provides the name of the cloud hosting your database service.

  • Region — It provides the name of the cloud region hosting your database service.

  • Availability Zone(s) — It provides the short name of the cloud region hosting your database service.

  • Subscription — It provides the name of the subscription you selected from your account.

  • VPC — It provides the name of your Virtual Private Cloud. The name of the VPC is unique per tenant.

Cluster Size

It provides the selected compute shape name along with the memory allocated for your database service.

Software Details

  • Software version - It provides the database name along with version for your database service.

  • Parameter Profile - It provides the parameter profile name you selected for your database service.

  • Maintenance Window - It provides the day and time scheduled for the maintenance of your database service.

User Details

  • Owner — It provides the name of the owner of your Tessell account.

  • My Role — It provides your role for the database service. The possible values are Owner, Co-owner, or Read-only.

  • Created on — It provides the date and time when the database service was created.

  • TRN — It provides the Tessell resource name. The TRN is a globally unique name.

On the top right-side, you see the following options:

Availability Machine

Click on this, to go to the Availability Machine home page of the database service. For more information, see Availability Machine home page.


Click on this, to go to the Dataflix home page of the database service. For more information, see Dataflix home page.

Ellipsis icon

  • Delete - Select this option, if you need to delete the service. For more information, see Delete the service.

Last updated